Careers Expo – exploring diverse pathways

Caulfield Grammar School recently hosted its annual Careers Expo for over 600 students and families from Years 10, 11 and 12. The Expo provides a great opportunity for students and families to access information in-person, as they consider their many career and post-secondary options.
More than 30 universities, TAFES, apprenticeship providers and industry representatives, gap year and alternative pathway providers met with students and families one-on-one to discuss opportunities, career pathways and courses.
ACU, Deakin, Monash, Latrobe, The University of Melbourne and RMIT were just some of the universities who attended, along with the Australian Defence Force, Carlton College of Sport, Essendon Football Club, The Hotel School, Study & Play USA and more.
The Expo is part of Caulfield Grammar School’s leading Careers Education program, which aims to empower students to make informed decisions and manage their own pathways so that they can thrive in an ever-changing future workplace. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to chat with representatives about the limitless opportunities that await them as well as investigating the practical steps required to achieve their career and study goals. Importantly, it also highlights to students that the choices they make now will have an impact on their future.
The feedback from our exhibitors was very positive about the afternoon.
“I am just emailing to thank you and the Caulfield Grammar School Careers Team for a great event yesterday. It was my first Careers Expo with Whitehouse and I was very impressed by the staff and students. Thank you for making it such a good experience!”