
Matthew Scholten

CFP, Dip A.I.I, Dip. FP, ASFA

Chair, investment Committee


Matthew is Executive Director / Practice Principal of Scholten Collins McKissock / Godfrey Pembroke Limited, the business he founded in 1996. He is a Certified Financial Planner and has qualifications from the Australian Insurance Institute, SPAA and ASFA. He has held a number of management positions in financial services including business development, client service, sales and marketing, corporate superannuation and product development.

Matthew is a past student (1984) and has been keenly involved in alumni activities, including serving as President of the Caulfield Grammarians’ Association from 2010 – 2012, and President of the Caulfield Grammarians’ Football Club from 1998 – 2012. Matthew is a parent to three children who attended Caulfield Grammar School.


Chair, Investment Committee